Body Stress Release North America

Body Stress Release (BSR) is a complementary wellness modality that tests and releases the stress that is locked into the body. The results are incredible from reduced back pain to improved digestion. Most people have stress that is locked into the body, mostly the muscles surrounding the spine. This hinders the nervous system from communicating optimally. Once this stress is released gently, the communication is restored via the nervous system and self-healing is enhanced. Clients experience more permanent results with BSR but are encouraged to continue with a maintenance program every 4 to 6 weeks. The program initially begins with 3 sessions to start the process of releasing the layers of stress within the muscles. If you suffer from any back pain, neck pain, headaches, digestive issues, or any other ailments, stress could be the underlying cause. Release the stress and the body’s natural healing will be enhanced for optimum health. Check out for a practitioner near you.

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