The Consult

What to Expect

Body Stress Release is carried out in a private consulting room.  The practitioner takes a case history, making notes on past accidents, fractures, and operations as well as establishing what the client is experiencing at present.  The practitioner then gives a brief explanation of how BSR works and how it relates to their body and what they are experiencing.  Most people choose to consult a BSR practitioner when seeking pain relief, especially for lower back pain, shoulder and neck pain, sciatica, migraines, and other stress related ailments.

A BSR session varies in length, depending on what the initial assessment and case history indicates.  As BSR is a process, initially three appointments are suggested to begin. Then, depending on the body’s response to the releases the client is advised regarding follow-up appointments.

A typical release requires the fully clothed client to lie face down on padded table.  The BSR practitioner then begins to assess where and how the tension and stress is being stored in the body, and through a series firm prods or stimuli (usually with the thumb) carries out releasing the body’s stress patterns.

Often the client is aware of instant relaxation of tight muscles, improved mobility, and reduced pain.  The practitioner may notice flattening of ridges of muscles in the back or neck.  Some clients observe feeling lighter, or that a weight has been lifted.

Reducing the Stresses in Your Life

There are three types of stress that people are exposed to on a regular basis:

1. Mechanical Stress – Falls, injuries, improper lifting, poor posture, improper exercise (not “preserving the curve of the spine” during physical activity).

What to do:

Posture is key, whether standing, sitting, or lying, preserving the natural curve in your spine will keep the stress levels down. If you are lifting anything, use your legs and keep the item close to the body. Also avoid twisting and lifting motions. Swimming, walking, and biking are great exercises that you can participate in without putting the spine in a stressful position.  Also, think of the “navel lock” when you are being active. This will reduce the stress in the lower back and create strength in the abdominal area. To do this, just pull your navel towards your spine, but maintain normal breathing.

2. Emotional Stress – Family stress, work stress, relationship stress, changes in your life.

What to do:

Become aware of these stresses in your life and take steps to deal with them. A good diet and exercise program can make you more capable in dealing with this stress. Also talking to the source of your stress, don’t keep your frustrations bottled up inside, airing out your feelings to the source will greatly reduce your stress levels. And Remember, the power of positive thinking, “Where the mind goes, energy flows” – Harry Lubitz

3. Chemical Stress – Is triggered via inhalation, contact, or consumption such as; air pollution, insect sprays, harmful chemicals, food additives, or cosmetics.

What to do:

Again, become aware of your environment. Eat more natural foods, less processed and prepared foods, avoid sprays and chemicals, and use more natural products that have ingredients you can pronounce.  READ LABELS CAREFULLY!!

Taking responsibility for your health is key to success.

Sherri Hered

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